New Interactive Problems in September 2024
See which topics had new problems added in September 2024, and use the links to check the new problems out for yourself.

As September comes to a close, we're excited to share the latest topics that received new interactive problems over the past month.
As usual, this update is divided into changes for both our Australian and US textbooks. If you have any feedback or would like us to review a specific topic, just reach out to our fantastic Support Team through the chat icon in the Mathspace app.
Australian Curriculum Year 10 - v9 2024
- 11.04 Similar triangles (13 New Problems)
- 15.04 Cumulative frequency (7 New Problems)
- 15.06 Samples and populations (18 New Problems)
- 16.04 Associations between numerical variables (2 New Problems)
- 5.06 Exponential models (2 New Problems)
- 8.06 Optional: Applications of simultaneous equations (14 New Problems)
- 9.01 Pythagoras' theorem (19 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 7 - v9 2024
- 13.06 Attributes in measurement formulas (8 New Problems)
- 16.07 Pie charts (10 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 9 - v9 2024
- 5.02 Graphs and features of quadratics (8 New Problems)
- 9.04 Surface area of prisms (1 New Problem)
- 9.07 Surface area of cylinders (1 New Problem)
NSW Year 10 2024
- 1.02C Prefixes for numbers (2 New Problems)
- 14.03P Proofs involving similar triangles (13 New Problems)
- 19.04C Associations between numerical variables (2 New Problems)
- 2.07C Depreciation (3 New Problems)
- 4.05P Applications of simultaneous equations (14 New Problems)
- 6.02C Graphs and features of quadratics (8 New Problems)
- 9.06E Exponential models (2 New Problems)
NSW Year 7 2024
- 13.06 Attributes in measurement formulas (8 New Problems)
NSW Year 8 2024
- 13.03 Pie charts (10 New Problems)
- 9.02 Circumference of a circle (2 New Problems)
NSW Year 9 2024
- 10.04C Surface area of prisms (1 New Problem)
- 10.05C Surface area of cylinders (1 New Problem)
- 12.04C Cumulative frequency (7 New Problems)
- 12.09P Samples and populations (18 New Problems)
- 6.10P Distance formula (6 New Problems)
- 9.01C Pythagoras' theorem (19 New Problems)
VCE General Mathematics 1&2 - 2023 Edition
- 10.01 Significant figures and scientific notation (1 New Problem)
VIC 2.0 Year 10 2024
- 13.01 Pythagoras' theorem (19 New Problems)
- 15.04 Similar triangles (13 New Problems)
- 19.04 Cumulative frequency (7 New Problems)
- 19.06 Samples and populations (18 New Problems)
- 20.04 Associations between numerical variables (2 New Problems)
- 6.06 Applications of simultaneous equations (14 New Problems)
- 8.06 Exponential models (2 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 7 2024
- 14.06 Attributes in measurement formulas (8 New Problems)
- 17.07 Pie charts (10 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 9 2024
- 5.02 Graphs and features of quadratics (8 New Problems)
- 9.04 Surface area of prisms (1 New Problem)
- 9.07 Surface area of cylinders (1 New Problem)
United States
Common Core 7 - 2023 Edition
- 1.06 The properties of operations with integers (4 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 1 for 2023 SOLs
- 1.01 Algebraic expressions (20 New Problems)
- 1.02 Properties of real numbers (4 New Problems)
- 2.03 Evaluating functions (3 New Problems)
- 3.02 Transformations of linear functions (8 New Problems)
- 3.03 Slope-intercept form (4 New Problems)
- 3.04 Standard form (1 New Problem)
- 3.06 Equations of parallel and perpendicular lines (2 New Problems)
- 4.01 Write and graph linear systems (2 New Problems)
- 4.02 Substitution method (3 New Problems)
- 4.03 Elimination method (1 New Problem)
- 4.04 Two variable linear inequalities (4 New Problems)
- 4.05 Systems of linear inequalities (8 New Problems)
- 5.05 Rational exponents (1 New Problem)
- 5.06 Simplify radicals (20 New Problems)
- 5.08 Characteristics of exponential functions (5 New Problems)
- 7.01 Characteristics of quadratic functions (2 New Problems)
- 7.02 Quadratic functions in factored form (1 New Problem)
- 7.04 Quadratic functions in standard form (1 New Problem)
- 8.02 Solve quadratics by factoring (1 New Problem)
- 8.05 Solve quadratics using appropriate methods (1 New Problem)
- 9.01 Data and sampling (18 New Problems)
- 9.03 Linear regression (8 New Problems)
- 9.04 Quadratic regression (7 New Problems)
- 9.05 Analyze bivariate data (7 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 2 for 2023 SOLs
- 1.03 Function transformations (8 New Problems)
- 2.02 Quadratic functions (8 New Problems)
- 2.03 Quadratic equations with real solutions (11 New Problems)
- 2.06 Quadratic inequalities (5 New Problems)
- 2.07 Linear-quadratic systems (1 New Problem)
- 3.01 Operations with polynomials (14 New Problems)
- 3.02 Polynomial identities (3 New Problems)
- 3.03 Divide polynomials (8 New Problems)
- 3.04 Characteristics of polynomial functions (18 New Problems)
- 3.05 Zeros and factors (1 New Problem)
- 3.06 Solve polynomial equations (11 New Problems)
- 4.02 Rational exponents (1 New Problem)
- 4.03 Add and subtract radical expressions (3 New Problems)
- 4.05 Radical functions (7 New Problems)
- 4.06 Solve radical equations (6 New Problems)
- 4.07 Function composition (10 New Problems)
- 4.08 Inverse functions (1 New Problem)
- 5.01 Rational parent functions (7 New Problems)
- 5.04 Multiply and divide rational expressions (1 New Problem)
- 5.05 Add and subtract rational expressions (1 New Problem)
- 5.06 Solve rational equations (1 New Problem)
- 6.01 Exponential functions (3 New Problems)
- 6.03 Logarithmic functions (3 New Problems)
- 6.04 Compare functions across representations (1 New Problem)
- 7.01 Formulate questions and collect bivariate data (16 New Problems)
- 7.02 Scatterplots and lines of fit (10 New Problems)
- 7.03 Linear, quadratic, and exponential models (3 New Problems)
- 7.06 Normal distributions (5 New Problems)
- 7.08 Permutations and combinations (6 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Geometry for 2023 SOLs
- 10.03 Prisms and cylinders (9 New Problems)
- 10.04 Cones and pyramids (5 New Problems)
- 10.05 Spheres (2 New Problems)
- 11.01 Distance in the coordinate plane (12 New Problems)
- 11.04 Classify polygons in the coordinate plane (2 New Problems)
- 11.05 Similarity and congruence in the coordinate plane (13 New Problems)
- 12.03 Circles in the coordinate plane (2 New Problems)
- 12.04 Equations of circles (30 New Problems)
- 2.01 Translating logic statements (6 New Problems)
- 2.02 Converse, inverse, and contrapositive (17 New Problems)
- 2.04 Deductive reasoning (13 New Problems)
- 3.01 Parallel lines and transversals (22 New Problems)
- 3.02 Proving lines parallel (16 New Problems)
- 4.03 Triangle inequalities (25 New Problems)
- 5.02 Reflections (5 New Problems)
- 5.03 Rotations (1 New Problem)
- 5.04 Symmetry (39 New Problems)
- 6.02 Corresponding parts of congruent triangles (1 New Problem)
- 8.01 Right triangles and the Pythagorean theorem (18 New Problems)
- 8.03 Trigonometric ratios (2 New Problems)
- 8.04 Solving right triangles (11 New Problems)
- 9.01 Angles of polygons (6 New Problems)
- 9.02 Parallelograms (1 New Problem)
- 9.03 Special parallelograms (2 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 6 for 2023 SOLs
- 4.02 Multiply and divide integers (5 New Problems)
- 4.05 Integers in the coordinate plane (11 New Problems)
- 5.01 Introduction to ratios (23 New Problems)
- 5.02 Equivalent ratios and ratio tables (9 New Problems)
- 6.02 Properties of real numbers (4 New Problems)
- 6.03 One-step equations with addition and subtraction (11 New Problems)
- 6.04 One-step equations with multiplication and division (9 New Problems)
- 6.05 Write inequality statements (4 New Problems)
- 7.03 Perimeter of triangles and parallelograms (1 New Problem)
- 9.01 Formulate questions and collect data (26 New Problems)
- 9.05 Mean as a balance point (9 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 7 for 2023 SOLs
- 1.06 Scientific notation (1 New Problem)
- 3.02 Simplify numerical expressions (1 New Problem)
- 3.03 Represent algebraic expressions (7 New Problems)
- 3.04 Evaluate algebraic expressions (6 New Problems)
- 4.03 Solve problems with two-step equations (8 New Problems)
- 4.05 Solve one-step inequalities (10 New Problems)
- 4.06 Solve two-step inequalities (8 New Problems)
- 4.07 Solve problems with inequalities (15 New Problems)
- 5.05 Histograms (8 New Problems)
- 5.06 Compare data representations with histograms (19 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 8 for 2023 SOLs
- 1.04 Percent increase and decrease (1 New Problem)
- 1.05 Discounts, fees, and markups (1 New Problem)
- 2.01 Represent algebraic expressions (2 New Problems)
- 2.04 Solve multistep equations (10 New Problems)
- 2.05 Write and represent multistep inequalities (12 New Problems)
- 2.06 Solve multistep inequalities (25 New Problems)
- 3.05 Characteristics of linear functions (14 New Problems)
- 3.06 Slope-intercept form (17 New Problems)
- 3.07 Problem solving with linear functions (17 New Problems)
- 4.01 Data collection and sampling (3 New Problems)
- 4.02 Boxplots (14 New Problems)
- 4.03 Outliers (8 New Problems)
- 5.02 Probability of independent events (12 New Problems)
- 5.03 Probability of dependent events (12 New Problems)
- 6.02 Pythagorean theorem (28 New Problems)
- 6.03 Applications of the Pythagorean theorem (11 New Problems)
- 6.04 Perimeter and area of composite shapes (5 New Problems)
- 7.01 Surface area of square-based pyramids (3 New Problems)
VA SOL Skills Book
A1. Expressions and Operations
- A.EO.1a Translate between verbal and algebraic expressions (6 New Problems)
A1. Functions
- A.F.2d Connect graphs and equations of quadratic functions (1 New Problem)
A1. Statistics
- A.ST.1c Determine appropriate sampling methods (12 New Problems)
- A.ST.1f Make predictions with linear models (4 New Problems)
A2. Equations and Inequalities
- A2.EI.1a Create absolute value equations (4 New Problems)
- A2.EI.1b Solve absolute value equations (22 New Problems)
- A2.EI.1c Create absolute value inequalities (6 New Problems)
- A2.EI.1d Solve absolute value inequalities (3 New Problems)
- A2.EI.1e Verify solutions to absolute value inequalities (13 New Problems)
- A2.EI.3d Verify solutions to systems of quadratic equations (1 New Problem)
- A2.EI.4d Justify extraneous solutions for equations with rational expressions (1 New Problem)
A2. Expressions and Operations
- A2.EO.2c Convert between radicals and rational exponents (higher roots) (1 New Problem)
- A2.EO.3a Add and subtract polynomials (one and two variables) (13 New Problems)
- A2.EO.3c Divide polynomials (polynomial by monomial) (8 New Problems)
- A2.EO.3c Divide polynomials (two or more variables) (1 New Problem)
A2. Functions
- A2.F.1b Equations & transformations: Cube root functions (9 New Problems)
- A2.F.1b Equations & transformations: Rational functions (8 New Problems)
A2. Statistics
- A2.ST.2a Formulate questions for collecting bivariate data (12 New Problems)
G. Reasoning, Lines and Transformations
- G.RLT.1b Determine the validity of an argument (12 New Problems)
- G.RLT.2a Identify angle pairs formed by parallel lines (5 New Problems)
- G.RLT.2b Prove lines are parallel (16 New Problems)
- G.RLT.2c Solve problems with parallel lines and angles (4 New Problems)
G. Triangles
- G.TR.4g Distance in the coordinate plane (2 New Problems)
- G.TR.4g Solve problems using the Pythagorean Theorem II (1 New Problem)
Grade 6. Number & Number Sense
- 6.NS.2c Compare integers using symbols (6 New Problems)
Grade 6. Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- 6.PFA.4c Identify a situation from an inequality (8 New Problems)
- 6.PFA.4d Justify solutions to inequalities (12 New Problems)
Grade 6. Probability & Statistics
- 6.PS.1e Analyze circle graphs (15 New Problems)
- 6.PS.2b How data values affect measures of center (28 New Problems)
Grade 7. Number & Number Sense
Grade 7. Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- 7.PFA.1d Graph lines from an equation (y=mx) (6 New Problems)
- 7.PFA.2a Order of operations with integers (3 New Problems)
- 7.PFA.2a Order of operations with real numbers (1 New Problem)
Grade 7. Probability & Statistics
- 7.PS.2f Compare representations for data vs. histograms (20 New Problems)
- 7.PS.2g Analyze histograms (10 New Problems)
Grade 8. Measurement & Geometry
- 8.MG.4e Solve problems using the Pythagorean Theorem I (1 New Problem)
Grade 8. Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- 8.PFA.1b Combining like terms (4 New Problems)
Grade 8. Probability & Statistics
- 8.PS.2g Analyze boxplots (12 New Problems)