New Interactive Problems in October 2024
See which topics had new problems added in October 2024, and use the links to check the new problems out for yourself.

As October wraps up, we're again excited to share the latest topics that received new interactive problems this past month.
As always, this update is organized into changes for both our Australian and US textbooks. If you have any feedback or would like us to review a specific topic, feel free to reach out to our fantastic Support Team via the chat icon in the Mathspace app.
Australian Curriculum Year 10 - v9 2024
- 1.02 Negative indices (29 New Problems)
- 10.02 Optional: The unit circle (24 New Problems)
- 13.01 Review Venn diagrams and two-way tables (1 New Problem)
- 13.03 Conditional probability (4 New Problems)
- 14.01 Optional: Counting principles (5 New Problems)
- 14.03 Optional: Permutations (4 New Problems)
- 15.02 Quartiles (19 New Problems)
- 15.03 Boxplots (18 New Problems)
- 16.02 Associations between categorical variables (4 New Problems)
- 16.08 Optional: Correlation coefficient (3 New Problems)
- 4.03 Solve by factorisation (5 New Problems)
- 5.04 Exponential equations (5 New Problems)
- 6.01 Logarithms (6 New Problems)
- 6.02 Order of magnitude and logarithmic scales (5 New Problems)
- 6.03 Optional: Other bases (2 New Problems)
- 6.05 Optional: Connect exponentials and logarithms (4 New Problems)
- 7.02 Translations of circles (12 New Problems)
- 8.03 Simultaneous inequalities (12 New Problems)
- 8.04 Optional: Solve using substitution (2 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 7 - v9 2024
- 1.04 Order of operations with whole numbers (5 New Problems)
- 11.04 Quadrilaterals (7 New Problems)
- 13.05 Volume of right prisms (1 New Problem)
- 14.05 Multiple transformations (4 New Problems)
- 15.04 Experimental probability (2 New Problems)
- 16.02 Frequency tables (5 New Problems)
- 16.03 Summarise data (4 New Problems)
- 16.04 Outliers (4 New Problems)
- 16.05 Dot plots and column graphs (9 New Problems)
- 3.02 Compare integers (2 New Problems)
- 3.03 Add and subtract integers (4 New Problems)
- 5.02 Add and subtract decimals (6 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 8 - v9 2024
- 10.03 Venn diagrams (2 New Problems)
- 10.05 Mutually exclusive events (10 New Problems)
- 2.02 Find the whole (16 New Problems)
- 6.05 Intersecting lines (4 New Problems)
- 8.02 Pythagoras' theorem (1 New Problem)
- 9.02 Circumference of a circle (4 New Problems)
- 9.08 Area of a circle (6 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 9 - v9 2024
- 10.02 Venn diagrams and two-way tables (27 New Problems)
- 10.03 Arrays and simple tree diagrams (8 New Problems)
- 11.01 Types of data (4 New Problems)
- 11.02 Data displays (15 New Problems)
- 11.04 Grouped histograms (4 New Problems)
- 11.05 Shape of data (2 New Problems)
- 5.09 Solutions to quadratics (15 New Problems)
- 9.01 Area (2 New Problems)
- 9.02 Area of composite shapes (1 New Problem)
- 9.04 Surface area of prisms (2 New Problems)
NSW Year 10 2024
- 10.01P Logarithms (6 New Problems)
- 10.02P Order of magnitude and logarithmic scales (5 New Problems)
- 10.03P Other bases (2 New Problems)
- 10.05P The inverse relationship between exponentials and logarithms (4 New Problems)
- 11.02P Transformations of circles (12 New Problems)
- 15.01P The unit circle (24 New Problems)
- 16.05P Volume of spheres (6 New Problems)
- 16.06P Volume of composite solids (6 New Problems)
- 18.01P Conditional probability (4 New Problems)
- 19.02C Associations between categorical variables (4 New Problems)
- 2.03C Other income (11 New Problems)
- 4.03P Solve using substitution (2 New Problems)
- 5.03P Simultaneous inequalities (12 New Problems)
- 7.02P Graphical solutions to quadratics (15 New Problems)
- 9.05P Exponential equations (5 New Problems)
NSW Year 7 2024
- 1.04 Order of operations with whole numbers (5 New Problems)
- 13.05 Volume of right prisms (1 New Problem)
- 14.02 Frequency tables (5 New Problems)
- 14.03 Summarise data (4 New Problems)
- 14.04 Outliers (4 New Problems)
- 14.05 Dot plots and column graphs (9 New Problems)
- 3.02 Compare integers (2 New Problems)
- 3.03 Add and subtract integers (4 New Problems)
- 5.02 Add and subtract decimals (6 New Problems)
NSW Year 8 2024
- 1.08 Squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots (11 New Problems)
- 11.03 Volume of cylinders (3 New Problems)
- 12.04 Relative frequency (2 New Problems)
- 13.01 Types of data (4 New Problems)
- 13.02 Measures of centre and spread (10 New Problems)
- 13.07 Describe the shape of data (2 New Problems)
- 13.08 Census and survey (4 New Problems)
- 2.02 Find the whole (16 New Problems)
- 6.03 Solve linear equations using a graph (13 New Problems)
- 6.04 Intersecting lines (4 New Problems)
- 8.01 Pythagoras' theorem (1 New Problem)
- 9.03 Perimeter of composite shapes (1 New Problem)
NSW Year 9 2024
- 1.05P Negative indices with algebraic bases (29 New Problems)
- 10.01C Area (2 New Problems)
- 10.02C Area of composite shapes (1 New Problem)
- 10.04C Surface area of prisms (2 New Problems)
- 12.05C The shape of data (2 New Problems)
- 12.06C Quartiles (19 New Problems)
- 12.07C Box plots (18 New Problems)
- 6.01C Linear graphs (8 New Problems)
- 6.03P Gradient formula (3 New Problems)
- 7.05P Multiple transformations (4 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 10 2024
- 1.02 Negative indices (29 New Problems)
- 10.02 Translations of circles (12 New Problems)
- 14.02 Optional: The unit circle (24 New Problems)
- 17.01 Review Venn diagrams and two-way tables (1 New Problem)
- 17.03 Conditional probability (4 New Problems)
- 18.01 Optional: Counting principles (5 New Problems)
- 18.03 Optional: Permutations (4 New Problems)
- 19.02 Quartiles (19 New Problems)
- 19.03 Boxplots (18 New Problems)
- 20.02 Associations between categorical variables (4 New Problems)
- 20.08 Optional: Correlation coefficient (3 New Problems)
- 5.03 Solve by factorisation (5 New Problems)
- 6.03 Simultaneous inequalities (12 New Problems)
- 6.04 Solve using substitution (2 New Problems)
- 8.04 Exponential equations (5 New Problems)
- 9.01 Logarithms (6 New Problems)
- 9.02 Order of magnitude and logarithmic scales (5 New Problems)
- 9.03 Optional: Other bases (2 New Problems)
- 9.05 Optional: Connect exponentials and logarithms (4 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 7 2024
- 1.04 Order of operations with whole numbers (5 New Problems)
- 12.04 Quadrilaterals (7 New Problems)
- 14.05 Volume of right prisms (1 New Problem)
- 15.05 Multiple transformations (4 New Problems)
- 16.04 Experimental probability (2 New Problems)
- 17.02 Frequency tables (5 New Problems)
- 17.03 Summarise data (4 New Problems)
- 17.04 Outliers (4 New Problems)
- 17.05 Dot plots and column graphs (9 New Problems)
- 4.02 Compare integers (2 New Problems)
- 4.03 Add and subtract integers (4 New Problems)
- 6.02 Add and subtract decimals (6 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 8 2024
- 10.02 Circumference of a circle (4 New Problems)
- 10.08 Area of a circle (6 New Problems)
- 11.03 Venn diagrams (2 New Problems)
- 11.05 Mutually exclusive events (10 New Problems)
- 2.02 Find the whole (16 New Problems)
- 7.05 Intersecting lines (4 New Problems)
- 9.02 Pythagoras' theorem (1 New Problem)
VIC 2.0 Year 9 2024
- 10.02 Venn diagrams and two-way tables (27 New Problems)
- 10.03 Arrays and simple tree diagrams (8 New Problems)
- 11.01 Types of data (4 New Problems)
- 11.02 Data displays (15 New Problems)
- 11.04 Grouped histograms (4 New Problems)
- 11.05 Shape of data (2 New Problems)
- 5.09 Solutions to quadratics (15 New Problems)
- 9.01 Area (2 New Problems)
- 9.02 Area of composite shapes (1 New Problem)
- 9.04 Surface area of prisms (2 New Problems)
United States
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 1 for 2023 SOLs
- 6.03 Divide polynomials by a monomial (5 New Problems)
- 9.05 Analyze bivariate data (7 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 2 for 2023 SOLs
- 3.02 Polynomial identities (1 New Problem)
- 3.03 Divide polynomials (13 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Geometry for 2023 SOLs
- 5.01 Translations (1 New Problem)
- 7.01 Dilations (1 New Problem)
- 7.03 Proving triangles similar (10 New Problems)
- 8.01 Right triangles and the Pythagorean theorem (7 New Problems)
- 8.02 Special right triangles (13 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 6 for 2023 SOLs
- 7.03 Perimeter of triangles and parallelograms (1 New Problem)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 7 for 2023 SOLs
- 2.02 Write and solve proportions (10 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 8 for 2023 SOLs
- 6.03 Applications of the Pythagorean theorem (5 New Problems)
- 6.04 Perimeter and area of composite shapes (5 New Problems)
VA SOL Skills Book
A1. Statistics
- A.ST.1i Make conclusions from bivariate data (7 New Problems)
G. Reasoning, Lines and Transformations
Grade 6. Measurement & Geometry
- 6.MG.4a Identify regular polygons (7 New Problems)
Grade 7. Computation & Estimation
- 7.CE.2b Write and solve proportions (10 New Problems)
Grade 7. Measurement & Geometry
- 7.MG.2h Proportional reasoning with scale drawings (14 New Problems)
Grade 7. Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- 7.PFA.2a Order of operations with integers (9 New Problems)
Grade 8. Probability & Statistics
- 8.PS.3e Analyze relationships in scatterplots (6 New Problems)