New Interactive Problems in November 2024
See which topics had new problems added in November 2024, and use the links to check the new problems out for yourself.

As November comes to a close, we're thrilled to share the latest topics that gained new interactive problems this month.
This update is divided into changes for our Australian and US textbooks. If you have any feedback or would like us to review a specific topic, don’t hesitate to contact our amazing Support Team through the chat icon in the Mathspace app.
Australian Curriculum Year 10 - v9 2024
- 10.03 Optional: Graphs of sine and cosine (4 New Problems)
- 10.04 Optional: Trigonometric equations (12 New Problems)
- 11.02 Proofs with parallel lines (10 New Problems)
- 11.03 Congruent triangles (3 New Problems)
- 11.07 Optional: Angles in circles (1 New Problem)
- 11.08 Optional: Tangents (2 New Problems)
- 12.04 Estimation and accuracy (1 New Problem)
- 12.05 Optional: Spheres (8 New Problems)
- 15.05 Compare data sets (3 New Problems)
- 15.07 Optional: Standard deviation (8 New Problems)
- 15.08 Optional: Comparisons using standard deviation (3 New Problems)
- 17.01 Introduction to networks (4 New Problems)
- 17.04 Planar graphs (8 New Problems)
- 17.05 Optional: Connectivity (1 New Problem)
- 8.04 Optional: Solve using substitution (4 New Problems)
- 9.02 Pythagoras in 3D (2 New Problems)
- 9.06 Bearings (2 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 4 v9 2024
- 7.05 Following Algorithms (2 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 5 v9 2024
- 7.05 Following Algorithms (2 New Problems)
- 7.08 Flow Charts (2 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 6 v9 2024
- 9.05 Following algorithms (2 New Problems)
- 9.08 Flow charts (2 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 7 - v9 2024
- 13.01 Nets of solids (4 New Problems)
- 13.04 Units of volume (1 New Problem)
- 14.02 Translations (5 New Problems)
- 14.03 Reflections (5 New Problems)
- 14.04 Rotations (4 New Problems)
- 2.02 Square numbers (7 New Problems)
- 5.05 Divide decimals (5 New Problems)
- 6.02 Compare percentages (9 New Problems)
- 7.01 Identify ratios (2 New Problems)
- 9.02 Write rules for relationships (2 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 8 - v9 2024
- 10.01 Calculate probability (10 New Problems)
- 10.04 Two-way tables (4 New Problems)
- 11.02 Sampling methods (2 New Problems)
- 11.04 Compare samples to populations (7 New Problems)
- 2.03 Percentage increase and decrease (2 New Problems)
- 6.04 Multi-step equations (8 New Problems)
- 7.02 Transformations and congruence (11 New Problems)
- 7.03 Congruent triangles (5 New Problems)
- 7.06 Properties of quadrilaterals (4 New Problems)
- 8.01 Squares and square roots (9 New Problems)
- 8.03 Find the hypotenuse (1 New Problem)
- 9.03 Perimeter of composite shapes (3 New Problems)
- 9.11 Volume of right prisms (6 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 9 - v9 2024
- 10.02 Venn diagrams and two-way tables (3 New Problems)
- 10.05 Multi-stage probability (7 New Problems)
- 11.06 Compare data sets (4 New Problems)
- 5.01 Quadratic relationships (4 New Problems)
- 5.10 Solve algebraically (6 New Problems)
- 5.11 Solve by factorisation (5 New Problems)
- 7.01 Similar right-angled triangles (2 New Problems)
- 7.02 Scale factors (2 New Problems)
- 9.05 Volume of prisms (4 New Problems)
NSW Year 10 2024
- 1.04C Estimation and accuracy (1 New Problem)
- 12.02P Hyperbolas (6 New Problems)
- 14.02P Congruent triangles (3 New Problems)
- 14.06P Angles in circles (1 New Problem)
- 14.07P Tangents (2 New Problems)
- 15.03P Graphs of sine and cosine (4 New Problems)
- 15.04P Trigonometric equations (12 New Problems)
- 17.01P Introduction to networks (4 New Problems)
- 17.04P Connectivity (1 New Problem)
- 17.05P Planar graphs (8 New Problems)
- 4.03P Solve using substitution (4 New Problems)
- 7.01C Solve basic quadratic equations (6 New Problems)
NSW Year 4 2024
- 7.05 Following Algorithms (2 New Problems)
NSW Year 5 2024
- 7.05 Following Algorithms (2 New Problems)
- 7.08 Flow Charts (2 New Problems)
NSW Year 6 2024
- 9.05 Following algorithms (2 New Problems)
- 9.08 Flow charts (2 New Problems)
NSW Year 7 2024
- 13.01 Nets of solids (4 New Problems)
- 13.04 Units of volume (1 New Problem)
- 2.02 Square numbers (7 New Problems)
- 5.05 Divide decimals (5 New Problems)
- 6.02 Compare percentages (9 New Problems)
- 7.01 Identify ratios (2 New Problems)
- 9.02 Write rules for relationships (2 New Problems)
NSW Year 8 2024
- 11.02 Volume of right prisms (6 New Problems)
- 2.03 Percentage increase and decrease (2 New Problems)
- 8.02 Find the hypotenuse (1 New Problem)
- 9.03 Perimeter of composite shapes (3 New Problems)
NSW Year 9 2024
- 10.06C Volume of prisms (4 New Problems)
- 11.05C Multi-stage events (7 New Problems)
- 12.02C Standard deviation (8 New Problems)
- 12.03C Comparisons using standard deviation (3 New Problems)
- 12.08P Sampling methods (2 New Problems)
- 7.02P Translations (5 New Problems)
- 7.03P Reflections (5 New Problems)
- 7.04P Rotations (4 New Problems)
- 7.07P Transformations and congruence (11 New Problems)
- 7.08P Congruent triangles (5 New Problems)
- 8.03C Scale factors (2 New Problems)
- 9.02C Similar right-angled triangles (2 New Problems)
- 9.08C Bearings (2 New Problems)
- 9.09P Pythagoras in 3D (2 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 10 2024
- 11.02 Hyperbolas (6 New Problems)
- 13.02 Optional: Pythagoras in 3D (2 New Problems)
- 13.06 Bearings (2 New Problems)
- 14.03 Optional: Graphs of sine and cosine (4 New Problems)
- 14.04 Optional: Trigonometric equations (12 New Problems)
- 15.02 Proofs with parallel lines (10 New Problems)
- 15.03 Congruent triangles (3 New Problems)
- 15.07 Optional: Angles in circles (1 New Problem)
- 15.08 Optional: Tangents (2 New Problems)
- 16.04 Estimation and accuracy (1 New Problem)
- 16.05 Optional: Spheres (8 New Problems)
- 19.05 Compare data sets (3 New Problems)
- 19.07 Optional: Standard deviation (8 New Problems)
- 19.08 Optional: Comparisons using standard deviation (3 New Problems)
- 21.01 Introduction to networks (4 New Problems)
- 21.04 Planar graphs (8 New Problems)
- 6.04 Solve using substitution (4 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 4 2024
- 7.05 Following Algorithms (2 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 5 2024
- 7.05 Following Algorithms (2 New Problems)
- 7.08 Flow Charts (2 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 6 2024
- 9.05 Following algorithms (2 New Problems)
- 9.08 Flow charts (2 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 7 2024
- 10.02 Write rules for relationships (2 New Problems)
- 14.01 Nets of solids (4 New Problems)
- 14.04 Units of volume (1 New Problem)
- 15.02 Translations (5 New Problems)
- 15.03 Reflections (5 New Problems)
- 15.04 Rotations (4 New Problems)
- 2.02 Square numbers (7 New Problems)
- 3.02 Following algorithms (2 New Problems)
- 3.05 Flow charts (2 New Problems)
- 6.05 Divide decimals (5 New Problems)
- 7.02 Compare percentages (9 New Problems)
- 8.01 Identify ratios (2 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 8 2024
- 10.03 Perimeter of composite shapes (3 New Problems)
- 10.11 Volume of right prisms (6 New Problems)
- 11.01 Calculate probability (10 New Problems)
- 11.04 Two-way tables (4 New Problems)
- 12.02 Sampling methods (2 New Problems)
- 12.04 Compare samples to populations (7 New Problems)
- 2.03 Percentage increase and decrease (2 New Problems)
- 4.03 Flow charts (2 New Problems)
- 7.04 Multi-step equations (8 New Problems)
- 8.02 Transformations and congruence (11 New Problems)
- 8.03 Congruent triangles (5 New Problems)
- 8.06 Properties of quadrilaterals (4 New Problems)
- 9.01 Squares and square roots (9 New Problems)
- 9.03 Find the hypotenuse (1 New Problem)
VIC 2.0 Year 9 2024
- 10.02 Venn diagrams and two-way tables (3 New Problems)
- 10.05 Multi-stage probability (7 New Problems)
- 11.06 Compare data sets (4 New Problems)
- 5.01 Quadratic relationships (4 New Problems)
- 5.10 Solve algebraically (6 New Problems)
- 5.11 Solve by factorisation (5 New Problems)
- 7.01 Similar right-angled triangles (2 New Problems)
- 7.02 Scale factors (2 New Problems)
- 9.05 Volume of prisms (4 New Problems)
United States
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 1 for 2023 SOLs
- 8.05 Solve quadratics using appropriate methods (1 New Problem)
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 2 for 2023 SOLs
- 2.03 Quadratic equations with real solutions (14 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Geometry for 2023 SOLs
- 9.02 Parallelograms (1 New Problem)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 6 for 2023 SOLs
- 4.05 Integers in the coordinate plane (2 New Problems)
- 8.03 Area of a circle (1 New Problem)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 7 for 2023 SOLs
- 4.02 Solve two-step equations (21 New Problems)
VA SOL Skills Book
A2. Expressions and Operations
- A2.EO.3d Equivalent polynomial expressions (1 New Problem)
Grade 7. Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- 7.PFA.3b Solve two-step equations with decimals (15 New Problems)
- 7.PFA.3b Solve two-step equations with fractions (6 New Problems)
Grade 8. Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- 8.PFA.3b Describe characteristics of linear functions (2 New Problems)
- 8.PFA.3c Graph a line from its equation (y = mx + b) (1 New Problem)
- 8.PFA.3c Graph a linear function for a situation in context (3 New Problems)