New Interactive Problems in March 2025
See which topics had new problems added in March 2025, and use the links to check the new problems out for yourself.

Once again, we're excited to share the latest topics with new interactive problems this month.
If there's a chapter or topic that you think is in need of some new problems - because it's missing something, or just needs a greater range of questions - please let us know by sending a message to our support team via the chat icon in the Mathspace app.
Australian Curriculum Year 10 -v9 2025
- 10.07 Optional: Angles in circles (8 New Problems)
- 14.05 Line of good fit (3 New Problems)
- 15.02 Network representations (9 New Problems)
- 2.08 Optional: Multiply and divide algebraic fractions (17 New Problems)
- 3.01 Linear graphs (7 New Problems)
- 5.06 Optional: Transformations of exponentials (10 New Problems)
- 7.01 Circles at origin (13 New Problems)
- 9.07 Optional: Sine and cosine rules (33 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 10 Advanced -v9 2025
- 14.05 Line of good fit (3 New Problems)
- 16.07 Optional: Angles in circles (8 New Problems)
- 2.08 Optional: Multiply and divide algebraic fractions (17 New Problems)
- 3.01 Linear graphs (7 New Problems)
- 5.06 Optional: Transformations of exponentials (10 New Problems)
- 7.01 Circles at origin (13 New Problems)
- 9.06 Optional: Sine and cosine rules (33 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 7 - v9 2ndEdition
- 12.08 Circumference of a circle (12 New Problems)
- 4.01 Identify, order and compare fractions (6 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 8 - v9 2ndEdition
- 6.06 Inequalities (28 New Problems)
- 7.05 Similar triangles (10 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 9 - v9 2ndEdition
- 3.01 Algebra review (9 New Problems)
NSW Year 10 2024
- 14.06P Angles in circles (8 New Problems)
- 19.05C Line of best fit (4 New Problems)
- 9.04P Transformations of exponentials (10 New Problems)
NSW Year 7 2024
- 12.08 Circumference of a circle (12 New Problems)
- 4.01 Identify, order and compare fractions (6 New Problems)
NSW Year 8 2024
- 7.03 Reasoning with angle values and properties (6 New Problems)
NSW Year 9 2024
- 3.01C Algebra review (9 New Problems)
- 8.02P Similar triangles (10 New Problems)
- 9.11P Sine and cosine rules (33 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 10 2024
- 13.07 Optional: Sine and cosine rules (33 New Problems)
- 15.07 Optional: Angles in circles (8 New Problems)
- 20.05 Line of good fit (3 New Problems)
- 4.01 Linear graphs (7 New Problems)
- 8.03 Optional: Transformations of exponentials (10 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 7 2024
- 13.08 Circumference of a circle (12 New Problems)
- 5.01 Identify, order and compare fractions (6 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 8 2024
- 7.06 Inequalities (28 New Problems)
- 8.05 Similar triangles (10 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 9 2024
- 3.01 Algebra review (9 New Problems)
United States
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 1 for 2023 SOLs
- 2.02 Domain and range (2 New Problems)
- 7.02 Quadratic functions in factored form (16 New Problems)
- 7.04 Quadratic functions in standard form (5 New Problems)
- 8.03 Solve quadratics using square roots (9 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 2 for 2023 SOLs
- 1.04 Piecewise functions (10 New Problems)
- 4.04 Multiply and divide radical expressions (25 New Problems)
- 5.02 Direct and inverse variation (17 New Problems)
- 6.02 Applications of exponential functions (18 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Geometry for 2023 SOLs
- 10.03 Prisms and cylinders (9 New Problems)
- 10.04 Cones and pyramids (5 New Problems)
- 10.05 Spheres (8 New Problems)
- 12.01 Arc length and sector area (17 New Problems)
- 5.01 Translations (10 New Problems)
- 5.02 Reflections (17 New Problems)
- 5.03 Rotations (18 New Problems)
- 7.01 Dilations (17 New Problems)
- 7.02 Similarity transformations (7 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 6 for 2023 SOLs
- 7.04 Area of parallelograms (7 New Problems)
- 8.01 Characteristics of circles (15 New Problems)
- 8.02 Circumference and pi (14 New Problems)
- 8.03 Area of a circle (17 New Problems)
- 9.06 Changing data values and measures of center (10 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 7 for 2023 SOLs
- 1.02 Add and subtract rational numbers (9 New Problems)
- 2.05 Unit rate and slope (2 New Problems)
- 3.05 Equivalent algebraic expressions (5 New Problems)
- 5.01 Introduction to probability (18 New Problems)
- 6.02 Identify similar figures (16 New Problems)
- 7.02 Surface area of right cylinders (19 New Problems)
- 7.04 Volume of right cylinders (20 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 8 for 2023 SOLs
- 1.06 Sales tax, commissions and tips (1 New Problem)
- 3.04 Independent and dependent variables (11 New Problems)
- 6.04 Perimeter and area of composite shapes (9 New Problems)
- 7.03 Volume of cones (9 New Problems)
- 7.04 Problem solving with volume and surface area (3 New Problems)
VA SOL Skills Book
A1. Equations and Inequalities
- A.EI.1a Write linear equations from a context (11 New Problems)
- A.EI.1a Write linear inequalities from a context (13 New Problems)
- A.EI.1f Verify and interpret solutions to equations (2 New Problems)
- A.EI.2b Solve systems of equations algebraically (1 New Problem)
- A.EI.2h Verify solutions to systems of equations (1 New Problem)
A1. Expressions and Operations
- A.EO.2b Multiply polynomials - two binomials (9 New Problems)
- A.EO.2d Divide polynomials by binomials (2 New Problems)
- A.EO.2d Divide polynomials by factored polynomials (7 New Problems)
- A.EO.2d Divide polynomials by monomials (8 New Problems)
- A.EO.3b Simplify expressions with exponents - quotient rule (2 New Problems)
A1. Functions
- A.F.1a Identify the slope of linear functions (6 New Problems)
- A.F.1e Write equations of parallel lines (2 New Problems)
- A.F.1g Find outputs of linear functions with function notation (3 New Problems)
- A.F.2g Interpret function notation in context (1 New Problem)
- A.F.2g Use function notation to find outputs (7 New Problems)
A1. Statistics
- A.ST.1c Determine appropriate sampling methods (11 New Problems)
- A.ST.1e Quadratic regression (5 New Problems)
A2. Equations and Inequalities
- A2.EI.2d Verify solutions to quadratic inequalities (3 New Problems)
A2. Expressions and Operations
- A2.EO.1a Add and subtract rational expressions (1 New Problem)
- A2.EO.3c Divide polynomials by binomials (8 New Problems)
- A2.EO.3c Divide polynomials by factorable trinomials (8 New Problems)
A2. Functions
- A2.F.1c Graph cube root functions using transformations (1 New Problem)
- A2.F.1c Graph exponential functions using transformations (2 New Problems)
- A2.F.1c Graph logarithmic functions using transformations (1 New Problem)
- A2.F.1c Graph rational functions using transformations (2 New Problems)
- A2.F.2f Use function notation to find inputs and outputs from a graph (9 New Problems)
A2. Statistics
- A2.ST.1c Identify the smooth curve that models a distribution (4 New Problems)
- A2.ST.1j Compare data sets using center, spread, and shape (4 New Problems)
- A2.ST.1j Compare data sets using measures of spread (1 New Problem)
G. Polygons and Circles
- G.PC.3d Find arc length (radians) (3 New Problems)
- G.PC.3e Find sector area (degrees, decimal approximations) (7 New Problems)
- G.PC.3f Solve for arc measure or central angle using arc length and sector area (2 New Problems)
- G.PC.3f Solve for radius or diameter using arc length and sector area (5 New Problems)
- G.PC.4b Find center, radius and diameter from diameter endpoints (5 New Problems)
- G.PC.4b Find the radius and diameter from coordinates (4 New Problems)
- G.PC.4b Identify center, radius and diameter from an equation (1 New Problem)
- G.PC.4b Identify points on a circle (8 New Problems)
- Graph a circle in the coordinate plane (1 New Problem)
G. Reasoning, Lines and Transformations
- G.RLT.1b Identify the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of a conditional (7 New Problems)
- G.RLT.2a Prove angle relationships formed by parallel lines (2 New Problems)
G. Triangles
- G.TR.3a Prove triangles are similar using AA (1 New Problem)
- G.TR.3a Prove triangles are similar using SSS (2 New Problems)
G. Two- and Three-Dimensional Figures
- G.DF.1b Solve problems with surface area of composite solids (8 New Problems)
- G.DF.1b Solve problems with surface area of pyramids and cones (2 New Problems)
- G.DF.1b Solve problems with surface area of spheres (8 New Problems)
- G.DF.1c Solve problems with volume of composite figures (7 New Problems)
- G.DF.1c Solve problems with volume of prisms and cylinders (7 New Problems)
- G.DF.1c Solve problems with volume of pyramids and cones (6 New Problems)
- G.DF.1c Solve problems with volume of spheres (7 New Problems)
- G.DF.1d Find missing dimensions in 3D solids (4 New Problems)
- G.DF.2a Describe effect of changing dimensions of 3D figures (9 New Problems)
Grade 6. Computation & Estimation
- 6.CE.2b Divide integers (1 New Problem)
Grade 6. Measurement & Geometry
- 6.MG.1e Calculate the area of a circle (4 New Problems)
- 6.MG.1e Calculate the circumference of a circle (9 New Problems)
- 6.MG.1e Solve problems with circumference and area of a circle (15 New Problems)
- 6.MG.2b Area of triangles (4 New Problems)
Grade 7. Measurement & Geometry
- 7.MG.2b Identify corresponding sides and angles of polygons (3 New Problems)
Grade 7. Number & Number Sense
- 7.NS.2a Order rational numbers (10 New Problems)
Grade 7. Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- 7.PFA.2b Represent algebraic expressions I (5 New Problems)
- 7.PFA.2c Equivalent algebraic expressions (11 New Problems)
Grade 8. Measurement & Geometry
- 8.MG.2b Find volume of cones and square-based pyramids (1 New Problem)
- 8.MG.2c Explain relationship between volume of cones and cylinders and volume of rectangular prisms and square-based pyramids (1 New Problem)
- 8.MG.2c Explain the relationship between volume of rectangular prisms and square-based pyramids (5 New Problems)
- 8.MG.5a Find area of composite shapes (5 New Problems)
Grade 8. Number & Number Sense
- 8.NS.1b Compare and order irrational numbers (6 New Problems)
Grade 8. Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- 8.PFA.3c Graph a line from a table of values (3 New Problems)
- 8.PFA.4a Represent multistep equations (10 New Problems)