New Interactive Problems in January 2025
See which topics had new problems added in January 2025, and use the links to check the new problems out for yourself.

For the first time this year, we're excited to share the latest topics that gained new interactive problems this month.
As always, if there's a chapter or topic that you think is in need of some new problems - because it's missing something, or just needs a greater range of questions - do let us know by sending a message to our support team via the chat icon in the Mathspace app.
Australian Curriculum Year 10 - v9 2024
- 11.02 Proofs with parallel lines (2 New Problems)
- 11.03 Congruent triangles (11 New Problems)
- REVIEW Geometry and proofs (12 New Problems)
- 15.07 Optional: Standard deviation (6 New Problems)
- REVIEW Univariate statistics (14 New Problems)
- 16.02 Associations between categorical variables (7 New Problems)
- 16.08 Optional: Correlation coefficient (1 New Problem)
- REVIEW Bivariate statistics (8 New Problems)
- 7.03 Optional: Transform circle equations (11 New Problems)
- REVIEW Circles (1 New Problem)
Australian Curriculum Year 7 - v9 2024
- 15.04 Experimental probability (2 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 8 - v9 2024
- 10.02 Intersection and union (13 New Problems)
- 10.03 Venn diagrams (9 New Problems)
- 10.04 Two-way tables (3 New Problems)
- 7.04 Transformations and similarity (21 New Problems)
Australian Curriculum Year 9 - v9 2024
- REVIEW Statistics (10 New Problems)
- 5.06 Turning point form (37 New Problems)
NSW Year 10 2024
- 11.03P Transform circle equations (11 New Problems)
- REVIEW Circles (P) (1 New Problem)
- 14.02P Congruent triangles (11 New Problems)
- 19.02C Associations between categorical variables (7 New Problems)
- 6.06P Turning point form (37 New Problems)
NSW Year 8 2024
- 10.05 Area of sectors (2 New Problems)
- 12.04 Relative frequency (2 New Problems)
- 7.04 Classify triangles and quadrilaterals (2 New Problems)
NSW Year 9 2024
- 12.02C Standard deviation (6 New Problems)
- 8.01C Transformations and similarity (21 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 10 2024
- 10.03 Optional: Transform circle equations (11 New Problems)
- REVIEW Circles (1 New Problem)
- 15.02 Proofs with parallel lines (2 New Problems)
- 15.03 Congruent triangles (11 New Problems)
- REVIEW Geometry and proofs (1 New Problem)
- 19.07 Optional: Standard deviation (6 New Problems)
- REVIEW Univariate statistics (14 New Problems)
- 2.02 Add and subtract fractions with algebraic denominators (1 New Problem)
- REVIEW Algebraic fractions (15 New Problems)
- 20.02 Associations between categorical variables (7 New Problems)
- 20.08 Optional: Correlation coefficient (1 New Problem)
- REVIEW Bivariate statistics (8 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 7 2024
- 16.04 Experimental probability (2 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 8 2024
- 11.02 Intersection and union (13 New Problems)
- 11.03 Venn diagrams (9 New Problems)
- 11.04 Two-way tables (3 New Problems)
- 8.04 Transformations and similarity (21 New Problems)
VIC 2.0 Year 9 2024
- REVIEW Statistics (10 New Problems)
- 5.06 Turning point form (37 New Problems)
United States
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 1 for 2023 SOLs
- 1.04 Multi-step equations (13 New Problems)
- 4.01 Write and graph linear systems (1 New Problem)
- 4.05 Systems of linear inequalities (2 New Problems)
- 6.04 Factor GCF (1 New Problem)
- 6.06 Factor trinomials (7 New Problems)
- 6.07 Factor using appropriate methods (10 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Algebra 2 for 2023 SOLs
- 4.06 Solve radical equations (1 New Problem)
- 4.07 Function composition (1 New Problem)
- 5.06 Solve rational equations (2 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Geometry for 2023 SOLs
- 1.02 Venn diagrams and sets (1 New Problem)
- 1.05 Angles and constructions (1 New Problem)
- 10.04 Cones and pyramids (2 New Problems)
- 10.05 Spheres (1 New Problem)
- 11.01 Distance in the coordinate plane (1 New Problem)
- 3.01 Parallel lines and transversals (2 New Problems)
- 3.02 Proving lines parallel (2 New Problems)
- 3.03 Perpendicular lines (6 New Problems)
- 4.01 Triangles and angles (1 New Problem)
- 4.04 Angle and perpendicular bisectors (2 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 6 for 2023 SOLs
- 4.01 Add and subtract integers (6 New Problems)
- 4.02 Multiply and divide integers (1 New Problem)
- 5.03 Unit rates (2 New Problems)
- 5.04 Proportional relationships (1 New Problem)
- 7.05 Area of triangles (4 New Problems)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 7 for 2023 SOLs
- 2.03 Unit conversions (2 New Problems)
- 3.02 Simplify numerical expressions (2 New Problems)
- 4.02 Solve two-step equations (35 New Problems)
- 4.06 Solve two-step inequalities (1 New Problem)
- 7.01 Surface area of rectangular prisms (1 New Problem)
Mathspace Virginia: Grade 8 for 2023 SOLs
- 2.01 Represent algebraic expressions (2 New Problems)
- 2.04 Solve multistep equations (7 New Problems)
- 2.06 Solve multistep inequalities (1 New Problem)
- 3.06 Slope-intercept form (4 New Problems)
- 3.07 Problem solving with linear functions (2 New Problems)
- 6.01 Angle relationships (1 New Problem)
- 7.03 Volume of cones (2 New Problems)
Tennessee Geometry - 2023 Edition
- 5.02 Perpendicular and angle bisectors (2 New Problems)
- 5.03 Medians and altitudes in triangles (4 New Problems)
Tennessee Math I - 2023 Edition
- 9.06 Perpendicular and angle bisectors (2 New Problems)
Tennessee Math II - 2023 Edition
- 7.06 Medians and altitudes in triangles (4 New Problems)
VA SOL Skills Book
A1. Equations and Inequalities
- A.EI.1b Solve equations with fractions (6 New Problems)
- A.EI.1b Solve equations with like terms (1 New Problem)
- A.EI.1c Solve multi-step inequalities (Level 1) (2 New Problems)
A2. Equations and Inequalities
- A2.EI.4c Verify solutions to equations with rational expressions (1 New Problem)
A2. Expressions and Operations
- A2.EO.3a Multiply polynomials (one and two variables) (10 New Problems)
G. Triangles
- G.TR.4g Distance in the coordinate plane (1 New Problem)
Grade 7. Patterns, Functions, & Algebra
- 7.PFA.2a Order of operations with real numbers (2 New Problems)
- 7.PFA.3b Solve two-step equations (4 New Problems)
- 7.PFA.3b Solve two-step equations with decimals (1 New Problem)
- 7.PFA.3b Solve two-step equations with fractions (4 New Problems)
Grade 8. Probability & Statistics
- 8.PS.2d Create boxplots (4 New Problems)
- 8.PS.2e Identify parts of boxplots (10 New Problems)