We’ve launched early access to our new 2023 Common Core textbook editions

Today Mathspace released early access to our new 2023 editions of the Mathspace Common Core AGA and Grade 6-8 textbooks. These are available to all Mathspace teachers.
The new books include thousands of additional interactive questions and new applets to provide visual support for understanding mathematical concepts. The books also offer worksheets that have been reorganized and strengthened to the depth of knowledge scaffolding.
Head of Education, Erin Gallagher, said that the new books include increased functionality and an expanded content offering which take the Company’s Common Core resources to the next level.
“These new textbooks all have lesson content with worked examples that demonstrate the way we aspire for students to think and communicate mathematically.
“Across the board, the content within all of the AGA and 6-8 books provides a detailed treatment of the standards resulting in a truly comprehensive alignment.”
As with the previous editions, the 2023 editions will meet the CCSS and provide the same personalized and customizable learning experience on the Mathspace platform.
“These new editions maintain the same personalized and customizable learning experience for students, though you can expect more functionality to take these textbooks to the next level.
Mathspace remains committed to providing equal learning opportunities for all students. The new functionality added provides teachers with the tools to make the learning as accessible as possible.
“We know it’s important for teachers to have a variety of tools available to teach all the students in their classroom.
“Worksheets are scaffolded with three sections, the first activates prior knowledge or provides opportunity to review the key skills from the lesson. The second allows the student to develop procedural fluency and the third provides an opportunity to apply their knowledge and demonstrate conceptual understanding.
Additional features will also be added to the Mathspace set of AGA Common Core textbooks over the course of the following weeks. These include detailed teacher guides with targeted instructional strategies, as well as collaborative group problem solving activities.
“We believe that supporting teachers is one of the most powerful avenues to being the right help at the right time for every student. Our teacher notes provide support for students with disabilities, English language learners and identify common misconceptions. Teachers can access additional examples and be supported by Mathspace with every lesson they deliver.
“Our new Engage Activities are low floor, high ceiling, tasks that encourage mathematical discourse and exploration. Providing students with time in this space allows for deep thinking and collaborative problem solving.
Schools that currently use the 2020 editions will have the 2023 editions automatically added to their accounts. If you would like to access the 2023 editions, please contact Mathspace.
If you'd like to access the scope and sequence documents for each textbook, you can find them here.