We condemn racism and support those fighting for justice.
We know that there is much work to be done in the educational technology community around equity and social justice. We must do better by our Black students and educators.

Mathspace is an Australian company, and we have been supporting educators and students in the United States for several years. We know in Australia and the United States there is a long history of racism towards Aboriginal People, African Americans, and other Indigenous peoples and people of color. We are appalled at the recent and historic cases of unarmed Black people being killed by police officers.
Although education technology companies intend to increase accessibility and equity for all, we know that ed-tech has created a wider gap for some students and schools. The digital divide was all too apparent when COVID-19 caused school shutdowns and many students did not have access to the internet or devices to learn from home. We are recommitting to our mission statement - to be the right help at the right time for EVERY student.
We will be working to better include the voices and experiences of Black students and other traditionally under-served groups as well as those of their teachers in our content and product.
We invite our partners at schools and districts to join us on our journey towards building a more equitable world and to hold us accountable as we grow and learn as a company and as individuals. We value your input and feedback as we strive to do better.